Monday, February 9, 2009

Come What May, & Love It!

The lesson last week in Relief Society was "Come What May, And Love It" by Elder Wirthlin. It was Fast Sunday and I had already been up to bear my testimony in Sacrament meeting. When I walked into Relief Society I saw the title of the lesson and thought "Oh boy, I hope I am able to make it through this one without breaking down." I was asked to give the prayer and opted to give the opening one in case I was just a blubbering mess by the end. It was a very personal lesson for me since I have just recently been through a very tough trial and been able to stay close to the Lord and learn and grow because of it.

Here is a video of Elder Wirthlin when he gave the talk that the lesson is based on. It touched my heart and I want to bear my testimony that all the things he says are true.

We determine our happiness. Sometimes trials come our way that we have no control over. What we do have control over is how we respond to those trials. Do we turn to the Lord for strength and support? If we seek for the eternal as he states, we will have the opportunity to stretch our understanding, build our character and increase our compassion. I bear testimony of the truthfulness of these things. In the name of my Lord, Savior, Redeemer and friend, even Jesus Christ, Amen.


Mimi Nowland said...

Thank you for your testimony.

Marie Hatch Chambers said...

This was a great talk. Thanks for the reminder and your testimony.